I appreciate all of the students who responded to my challenge and prodding
with so many wonderful memories!
May 8, 2004 Montgomery, Alabama
Bulldogs Victors at
Statewide Computational EXPO!
The Alabama Computational EXPO 2004 was jointly hosted by the University of Alabama in Huntsville and Jeff Davis High School at Jeff Davis High School on May 8, 2004. Bulldogs won top recognition for performance on research projects, written exams, essays and in web page design. This was the seventh consecutive year that UMS-Wright placed a first place winner in one of the three high school divisions! Students from UMS-Wright won certificates, plaques, cash awards & scholarships.
The 1st Place research project and “Teachers Choice” award were won by Walker Plash, Jim Bailey and Howard Walker in a research project titled “The Medieval Siege Engine: The Catapult” (an computer based energy analysis of catapult performance). The 3rd Place research project was by William Hatten and Dane Grovenstein with a project titled “Racket Slammer” (a computer based momentum analysis of tennis racket performance).
UMS-Wright students Walker Plash, Jim Bailey and Howard Walker won 1st Place in “Student Website”. Jim Bailey won 1st in the “Deltacom Essay” award.
In the written "Computational Exam" Walker Plash won 1st among all at the competition! Four UMS-Wright students were among the top 15 students taking the exam and included Jim Bailey, William Hatten and Howard Walker. UMS-Wright was also recognized for having the highest average score on the written exam among all participating high schools. Walker Plash was awarded a scholarship for his performance on the exam.
The students who took part in this competition are part of "computational Physics Class" that requires research and programming skills be developed to geneerate projects for this competition. Dr. Burgess escorted the students to the "Alabama SuperComputer Program for Research In Education" and stated "These students are special. Competence in coding, researching, writing and communicating must be performed at the highest levels to win at this competition. That is precisely what they did. These fine individuals need to be congratulated and honored!"
Combining my love for competition and interest in science was something I did from early on in my career.
I also liked to do “action research” to evaluate initiatives in my class and department.
“Physics First” was a department wide change in science sequence that I wanted to implement if able to.