I appreciate all of the students who responded to my challenge and prodding
with so many wonderful memories!
First Place at Auburn University Invitational!
Date: February 12, 2004
Location: Auburn, Alabama
Auburn University hosted the annual Chemistry, Geology, Geography & Physics Invitational Competition at the Auburn University main campus. A hundred high schools from around the state of Alabama were invited to bring teams of outstanding science students. The competition took place on Thursday (February 12th) top science students from high schools of all sizes and types attempted to win as a team in the competition sponsored jointly by the Science Departments at Auburn University. The UMS-Wright Team of Beko Binder, Dima Zakharov, Vanessa Moore and Vidu Yarlagdda of UMS-Wright Preparatory school won first place.
The competition involved a students publicly responding to posed Geology, Geography, Physics and Chemistry problems in a timed pressured environment. Teams of students responding correctly to the posed questions and problems in the time provided earned points. The team with the most points won.
Science Chair Dr. Tim Burgess, observed “Our science student team displayed the effort, persistence and skill required to win in a competition that included schools with outstanding students and outstanding programs in the physical sciences. These students are to be congratulated.”
Location: Auburn, Alabama
Auburn University hosted the annual Chemistry, Geology, Geography & Physics Invitational Competition at the Auburn University main campus. A hundred high schools from around the state of Alabama were invited to bring teams of outstanding science students. The competition took place on Thursday (February 12th) top science students from high schools of all sizes and types attempted to win as a team in the competition sponsored jointly by the Science Departments at Auburn University. The UMS-Wright Team of Beko Binder, Dima Zakharov, Vanessa Moore and Vidu Yarlagdda of UMS-Wright Preparatory school won first place.
The competition involved a students publicly responding to posed Geology, Geography, Physics and Chemistry problems in a timed pressured environment. Teams of students responding correctly to the posed questions and problems in the time provided earned points. The team with the most points won.
Science Chair Dr. Tim Burgess, observed “Our science student team displayed the effort, persistence and skill required to win in a competition that included schools with outstanding students and outstanding programs in the physical sciences. These students are to be congratulated.”
Combining my love for competition and interest in science was something I did from early on in my career.
I also liked to do “action research” to evaluate initiatives in my class and department.
“Physics First” was a department wide change in science sequence that I wanted to implement if able to.