I appreciate all of the students who responded to my challenge and prodding
with so many wonderful memories!
Amazing at EXPO 2002
The Computational EXPO 2002 was held at the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) campus on Saturday (May 5, 2001). The competition involved more than two hundred students from throughout Alabama who submit research projects, create web pages, write essays and take standardized tests. Some participating schools included the Alabama School of Math & Science, Anniston, Arab, Bob Jones, Central, East Limestone, Guntersville, Hazel Green, Oneonta, Sparkman, Sumter County and UMS-Wright. Professors, NASA scientists, and engineers evaluated 80 submitted projects over the 4 weeks prior to the competition, evaluated presentations by these teams and interviewed team members to identify top 15 Projects for Awards (consisting of plaques and cash). Computational Science Faculty evaluate the Web Page Awards and provide a rigorous standardized Computational Sciences Test to all students. UAH English faculty evaluate student essays.In Division II (pre_calculus level programming) UMS_Wright won four of the top five awards:
1st Place: Matt Meduna, Larry Hu, Michael Owens with
“Stoichiometry Made Simple”
3rd Place: Adam Georgas, Matt Meduna, Larry Hu with
“Computer Modeling: A Real Time 3-Dimensional Java Based Organic Molecule Viewer”
4th Place: Travis Harris, Vanessa Moore, Dima Zakharov with
“Projectile Motion Predictor”
5th Place: Luke Burgess, Grace Burgess with
“Plasma Discharge”
In Division I (spreadsheet modeling) UMS_Wright students won the top three awards:1st Place: Michael Ownes, Jeb Bailey with
“Pneumatic Projectile Launcher”
2nd Place: Richard Friedman, Jay Patel, Brandon Davis with
“Missile Motion”
3rd Place: Brantley Beaird, Luke Burgess. Michael Owens with
“Changing Mass Atwood”
UMS-Wright student Web Pages First Place went to Vanessa Moore, Dima Zakharov and Travis Harris. Second Place went to Michael Owens and Jeb Bailey. Third place among web pages was posted by Adam Georgas, Matt Meduna and Larry Hu.
Jeb Bailey
won the DeltaComm Essay Award and Vannesa
Moore was identified
as a runner-up essay award winner.
In the computational
science exam Richard
Friedman, Vanessa Moore, Jay Patel & Michael Owens were
identified among the top 15 scores.
In an amazing performance every
UMS_Wright ASPIRE competitor came away from the fierce competition
with at least one project award. Bulldogs swept both the student Web
Page competition and the high school Essay contest. UMS-Wright
students also posted 4 of the 15 highest scores on the computational
test. Bulldogs won 1st
place in 2 of the 3 divisions, took 3 of the top five awards in
Division I and won 4 of the top five awards in Division II. Twelve
of the top twenty awards went to UMS-Wright Preparatory School.
Ms. Jane Williams, Academic Dean
Dr. Tim Burgess, Science Chair
Dr. Tony Havard, Headmaster
UMS-Wright Preparatory School
334-479-6551 Fax: 334-470-9050
Combining my love for competition and interest in science was something I did from early on in my career.
I also liked to do “action research” to evaluate initiatives in my class and department.
“Physics First” was a department wide change in science sequence that I wanted to implement if able to.